Organization users
This page explains how to manage users within your Waterflai organization. As an administrator, you can view, add, edit, and delete users, as well as manage their roles and permissions.
Viewing Users
The Users page displays a table of all users in your organization. Each user entry includes:
Email address
First name
Last name
Role (not visible in the table, but can be filtered)
You can use the search bar to find specific users by email address, and filter users by their role using the dropdown menu.
Adding a New User
To add a new user to your organization:
Click the "New User" button at the top right of the Users table.
In the User Form modal:
Enter the user's email address
Select the user's role from the dropdown
Enter the user's first name and last name
Set an initial password for the user
Optionally, enter the user's job title
Click "Create" to add the user
Note: After creation, the user will automatically receive an email with instructions to set up their password.
Editing a User
To edit an existing user's information:
Click on the user's email in the Users table, or select "Edit" from the dropdown menu at the end of the user's row.
In the User Form modal, modify the user's information as needed.
Click "Save" to apply your changes.
Deleting a User
To remove a user from your organization:
Click the three-dot menu at the end of the user's row in the Users table.
Select "Delete" from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the deletion in the confirmation dialog.
Caution: Deleting a user will permanently remove their access to your Waterflai organization. This action cannot be undone.
User Roles and Permissions
Waterflai supports different user roles to manage access and permissions within your organization. The available roles are:
Admin: Full access to all features and settings
Creator: Can create and manage workspaces, but cannot access organization-wide settings
User: Basic access to use Waterflai features within assigned workspaces
When adding or editing a user, you can assign or change their role using the "Role" dropdown in the User Form modal.
Last updated